Tuesday, April 30, 2013

 Amy's March 4th email home!

Hello my wonderful, beautiful family and friends! :)

This week has definitely been one of changes and adjustments. I went to the training meeting for the soon-to-be trainers last Tuesday morning and then transfers were on Wednesday! We had a bit of a surprise though. Instead of getting two new trainees, Sister Abonitalla and I are co-training! Sister Paloma, our trainee, is amazing! She's Filipino, and was pretty nervous when she first got here. She reminded me a lot of me actually. She already knows Tagalog, so that is a huge help, and she loves the gospel. She is 23 years old and was baptized with her family at age 16 by some missionaries. Her testimony is rock-solid, and she has already touched many lives here. I love her to death! She doesn't speak fluent English, but is learning, so she'll use it every once in a while. I rarely speak pure English in our home anymore unless I don't know how to say it any other way. I am still working on building my vocabulary, but I'm pretty good at Taglish. Tyler knows what I'm talking about. :) Just conjugate English words, and it's considered Tagalog! That works here in the city where people are more educated, but in the more rural parts it's deeper Tagalog.

Mom, you asked about the weather. It's been getting a lot hotter lately, but the evenings are often pleasant with cool breezes. It's still very humid, but I'm used to that now. I don't really remember what it feels like not to be humid. :)

Christina!! Mom told me you PASSED Stephanie in height???? Oh my goodness!! That means you passed ME!! I've told my companions how tall you were and how you were still growing. They've been amazed, especially when I tell them your age. My new companion, Sister Paloma is about 4'11," so I tower over her. You would tower over her, too!! Goodness girl! :)

Dad, you asked about my feet and about walking. Yes, we walk a LOT. Rain or shine, we are out walking. My feet have been ok. Every once in a while they'll hurt a little, but not bad at all and not very often.

Well, times up. But I love you all so much!! Thank you for your continual support and love. I am so blessed!! This gospel is true!!

Sister Harston

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